In the present study the fuel spray of a gasoline direct injected engine with multi-hole injector is simulated. Simulation inputs data, injection flow rate and spray cone angle are obtained from previous experimental studies. Log-normal distribution with different standard deviation is used for initial droplet size as the primary break-up model in order to reach the agreement between experimental and calculated spray tip penetration. As the first step, only one plume of spray injected into a quiescent air environment is simulated and validated by varying break-up model and standard deviation. Then, with coefficient obtained from the single jet simulation all six spray jets are simulated based on the injector nozzles geometry. The comparison between single-jet simulation and multi-jet simulation shows that validated model coefficients for the single-jet spray cannot be used for multi-jet spray simulation without significant modifications due to adjacent jet interaction and pressure drag. A set of new coefficients for the multi-jet spray is presented
Zamani, H. , Hosseini, V. , Afshin, H. , Allocca, L. and Baloo, M. (2016). Large Eddy Simulation of GDI Single-hole and Multi-hole Injector Sprays with Comparison of Numerical Break-up Models and Coefficients. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 9(2), 1013-1022. doi: 10.18869/acadpub.jafm.68.225.22889
Zamani, H. , , Hosseini, V. , , Afshin, H. , , Allocca, L. , and Baloo, M. . "Large Eddy Simulation of GDI Single-hole and Multi-hole Injector Sprays with Comparison of Numerical Break-up Models and Coefficients", Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 9, 2, 2016, 1013-1022. doi: 10.18869/acadpub.jafm.68.225.22889
Zamani, H., Hosseini, V., Afshin, H., Allocca, L., Baloo, M. (2016). 'Large Eddy Simulation of GDI Single-hole and Multi-hole Injector Sprays with Comparison of Numerical Break-up Models and Coefficients', Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 9(2), pp. 1013-1022. doi: 10.18869/acadpub.jafm.68.225.22889
H. Zamani , V. Hosseini , H. Afshin , L. Allocca and M. Baloo, "Large Eddy Simulation of GDI Single-hole and Multi-hole Injector Sprays with Comparison of Numerical Break-up Models and Coefficients," Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 9 2 (2016): 1013-1022, doi: 10.18869/acadpub.jafm.68.225.22889
Zamani, H., Hosseini, V., Afshin, H., Allocca, L., Baloo, M. Large Eddy Simulation of GDI Single-hole and Multi-hole Injector Sprays with Comparison of Numerical Break-up Models and Coefficients. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2016; 9(2): 1013-1022. doi: 10.18869/acadpub.jafm.68.225.22889