Effect of Volute-Tongue Clearance on the Aerodynamic Performance and Noise of Multi-Wing Centrifugal Fan for Air Conditioning

Document Type : Regular Article


1 Key Laboratory of Fluid Transmission Technology of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China

2 1.Zhejiang Sci-Tech University Key Laboratory of Fluid Transmission Technology of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China

3 Hangzhou Hangyang Turbo Machinery Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, China


Multi-wing centrifugal fans are wildly used in the central air-conditioning. The influence of dimensionless clearance of the volute-tongue on aerodynamic performance and noise is studied by numerical simulation and experimental tests in this paper. The complicated internal flow related to unsteady flow in a centrifugal fan with multiple wings is investigated by numerical simulation. Besides, the influence of circumstance on the noise is analyzed. It is testified that the internal flow of centrifugal fans is ameliorated using appropriate volute tongue clearance. Reduced eddy current decreased the local-flow loss near the volute tongue and exit. The experimental results show that the static pressure of model △t/R2=0.12 rose to 7.5 Pa and the aerodynamics noise value reduced to 4 dB compared with that of a reference model. Meanwhile, an obvious reduction of aerodynamics noise by 3.74 dB is obtained for model △t/R2=0.12 installed in the air conditioning unit. The static pressure of centrifugal fan is significantly improved for the model with a cochlear tongue clearance ratio of △t/R2=0.12. It is further demonstrated that the proper dimensionless distance effectively suppresses the aerodynamic noise of forward multi-wing fans.


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