Shape Optimization of Isosceles Triangle Facades for Improving the Aerodynamics of a Tall Building

Document Type : Regular Article


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Istanbul Aydin University, Istanbul 34295, Turkey

2 Energy Technologies Program, Institute of Graduate Studies, Istanbul Aydin University, Istanbul 34295, Turkey



This study aims to investigate the simulation of wind impacts on a standard model of a tall building with a novel facades design. The tall building is established by the Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Council (CAARC). A substantial volume of data has been generated to improve the living conditions in a building measuring 182.9 m (H) x 45.7 m (B) x 30.5 m (D). A comprehensive investigation is conducted, including a total of 65 cases. These cases involve varying wind velocities, facade angles, and distances between the facades and the building.  To verify the accuracy of the current results, the drag coefficient (CD) values were compared in this study to those from previous experimental and numerical analyses published in the literature. The drag force, velocity, and pressure distribution surrounding the building were computed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques, considering various wind velocities and geometric characteristics. Research results reveal that both wind velocity and the geometric dimensions of the facades have an important influence on the drag force. The building experiences a significant increase in force as the wind velocity increases from 1 to 5 m/s. The results also indicate that the increasing angle of facades has a noticeable effect on increasing the force produced on the building. This data aims to achieve wind control through the passive flow control method, prevent weathering of the building, decrease wind load, facilitate natural ventilation, save energy, and provide building designers with a wide range of numerical simulations.


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