Research on the Influence of Jet Control Point Distribution on Gas‒liquid Separation Characteristics in a Helical Axial-flow Multiphase Pump

Document Type : Regular Article


1 School of Energy and Power Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou, Gansu, province, 730050, China

2 Key Laboratory of Advanced Pumps, Valves and Fluid Control System of the Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University of Technology, China



Helical axial-flow multiphase (HAFM) pumps experience intermittent gas-blocking events, which negatively impact performance and threaten the stability of the overall pump and pipeline systems. This study applies jet flow field method to HAFM pumps. Active intervention in the gas-liquid separation process, utilizing external energy, results in the reorganization of the flow field within HAFM pumps. The effect of jet location on improving the efficiency of HAFM pumps is assessed, with a focus on the active flow control mechanism through jet influence. The study indicates that the region sensitive to jet site distribution affecting pump performance is 0.5Lc xr ≤ 0.7Lc, while the weakly sensitive region is 0.15Lcxr ≤ 0.5Lc. When xr ≤ 0.15Lc, the improvement in head and efficiency under high gas content conditions is reduced. Jet flow field control technology obviously decreases the gas phase accumulation in the downstream flow channel of the moving blade cascade. The optimal position for reducing gas phase agglomeration in the impeller channel is 0.3Lc. The jet site arrangement significantly affects the pressure structure near the cascade trailing edge. Appropriate jet hole positioning significantly improves the pressure structure at the cascade trailing edge, decreases reflux caused by separation vortices at the impeller outlet, and enhances the hydraulic performance in the multiphase pump.


Main Subjects

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