Stabilizing a Laminar Flow over a Rectangular Cylinder using Two Small Rotating Cylinders

Document Type : Regular Article


Faculty of Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, 65174, Iran


The possibility of suppressing laminar vortex shedding after a rectangular cylinder with a pair of rotating controllers has been investigated for Re=150. Drag and lift coefficients of the rectangular cylinder have been measured at different positions of the controller system. Numerical results show that the controller system suppresses the vortex shedding completely when installing at some suitable positions. It was found that the controller system affects the vorticity intensity in the separation bubbles at these suitable positions. The controller system may completely eliminate the separation bubble or may make them remain in attached to the cylinder. Besides, the effectiveness sensitivity of the controller system to its rotation rate and Reynolds number was analyzed when installing at the edge of the cylinder boundary layer where its position is denoted by (r/a=2,q=40o). These analyses show that the controller system can still suppress the laminar vortex shedding completely when the rotation rate of the controller system and Reynolds number of the incoming flow change by less than 50%.


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