The integrated circuits face a huge issue to meet out the cooling demand due to the rapid development in technology. Several researchers have investigated the different possibility of cooling medium to improve the heat dissipation in an integrated circuits. Heat sink is a kind of thermal heat transfer device used to dissipate heat from an integrated circuit (IC) to surrounding due to low cost and reliability in heat dissipation. In this numerically work, the electronic chip with the heat sink is analyzed to study about the cooling rate, surface temperature of the chip, reliability and power dissipation of the chip with different heat transfer medium, fin height and fin thickness. The different heat transfer medium is air, water and engine oil. The ANSYS (v12) fluent software is used to study numerically about the electronic chip cooling. In this research work, the heat transfer rate of water is 9.5% greater than air and 1.4% than engine oil at the same Reynolds number is obtained. The power dissipation is increases up to 1.45% of the fin height 55mm and heat transfer rate is enhanced by increasing the fin thickness up to 2.10% in 6mm. However, the lifetime of the electronic chip with fin height 55mm is 2.06% hrs (day) greater than the fin with 35mm. It is observed that the electronic chip with water as a heat transfer medium with proper fin height and thickness is highly reliable to enhance the heat transfer than that of air and engine oil.
Mukesh Kumar, P. C. , & Arun Kumar, C. M. (2018). Influence of Aspect Ratio on Thermal Performance of Heat Sink using Ansys. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 11((Special Issue)), 45-52. doi: 10.36884/jafm.11.SI.29416
P. C. Mukesh Kumar; C. M. Arun Kumar. "Influence of Aspect Ratio on Thermal Performance of Heat Sink using Ansys", Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 11, (Special Issue), 2018, 45-52. doi: 10.36884/jafm.11.SI.29416
Mukesh Kumar, P. C., Arun Kumar, C. M. (2018). 'Influence of Aspect Ratio on Thermal Performance of Heat Sink using Ansys', Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 11((Special Issue)), pp. 45-52. doi: 10.36884/jafm.11.SI.29416
P. C. Mukesh Kumar and C. M. Arun Kumar, "Influence of Aspect Ratio on Thermal Performance of Heat Sink using Ansys," Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 11 (Special Issue) (2018): 45-52, doi: 10.36884/jafm.11.SI.29416
Mukesh Kumar, P. C., Arun Kumar, C. M. Influence of Aspect Ratio on Thermal Performance of Heat Sink using Ansys. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2018; 11((Special Issue)): 45-52. doi: 10.36884/jafm.11.SI.29416