Explorative Gradient Method-Based Research on the Optimization of Nozzle Flow-guiding Devices

Document Type : Regular Article


1 School of Automotive Studies, Tongji University, 4800 Cao An Rd., Jiading, Shanghai 201804, China

2 Shanghai Key Lab of Vehicle Aerodynamics and Vehicle Thermal Management Systems, Tongji University, 4800 Cao An Rd., Jiading, Shanghai 201804, China


Low-frequency buffeting is a common problem in automobile wind tunnels, it induces pulsations of pressure and velocity in the test section. A 1:15 3/4 open-jet return-type scaled wind tunnel was used for this research, and numerical simulations and tests were implemented to study the flow characteristics of the jet shear layer in a model wind tunnel. The results show that guide devices on the inner wall of the nozzle can effectively reduce the low-frequency buffeting, but the presence of the devices deteriorated the axial static pressure gradient of the flow in the test section. The shape of the guide devices was optimized through the Explorative Gradient Method, and numerical simulations were carried out. An optimal shape can effectively reduce the low-frequency buffeting and ensure flow field uniformity in the test section. Finally, the reliability of the numerical simulation and the practicability of the optimal case were verified through a hot wire test and a microphone test.


Main Subjects

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