Numerical Analysis of the Flow Structure around Inclined Solid Cylinder and Its Effect on Bed Shear Stress Distribution

Document Type : Regular Article


Alanya University, Civil Engineering Department, Alanya, Antalya, Turkey


The flow-inclined cylinder interaction is an application area in the industry (i.e., offshore wind turbines and pile-supported near-shore structures). Findings of recent studies have revealed the significance of eco-friendly coastal structures that needs the utilization of inclined cylinder. The primary purpose of this study was to better understand the influence of inclination on flow, turbulence, and bed shear stress character. To achieve this objective, a three-dimensional numerical code (the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes model) was used. The numerical model was calibrated based on eleven velocity profiles obtained by point measurements data of the wake region of the inclined cylinder. The mean flow, turbulence, and secondary flow characteristics around the bodies were extensively investigated, particularly at points where experimental measurements are inapplicable with intrusive turbulence measurement devices. The findings of the study revealed that as the inclination of the cylinder increased, the coherent structures that largely control the flow dynamics in the wake zone became stable rather than cyclical. Specifically, it was determined that although vorticity couples underpinned the flow field behind the vertical cylinder, large-scale streamwise vortices replaced the visible coherent structures when the cylinders were inclined (LSCSVs). When the cylinder inclined 42 degrees, the reduction in amplification factor (τ0 / τ∞) over the bed was roughly fifty percent in terms of quantity. This finding shows that inclination is a streamlined form for a cylinder and may reduce the collapse risk due to scour.


Main Subjects

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