Numerical Study on Static Airtightness of Subway Vehicles with Multiple Leak Holes

Document Type : Regular Article


1 State Key Laboratory of Rail Transit Vehicle System, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China

2 Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co., LTD, Beijing 100101, China

3 Beijing Rail Transit Technology Equipment Group Co., LTD, Beijing, 100071, China

4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China


In this study, a numerical simulation of the static leakage of a subway vehicle was conducted, based on the turbulence model of k-ω Shear Stress Transport (SST). The impact of the leak hole thickness and of the slenderness ratio, on the airtightness of the vehicle is analyzed with a single leak hole, as is the influence of the number, location, slenderness ratio, and area ratio of leak holes, on the airtightness of a train with multiple leak holes. The relative errors of the numerical simulation results are smallest when the leak hole slenderness ratio is 1:16. The relative errors in cases of a single leak hole, and of multiple leak holes are 4.93% and 3.68%, respectively. The pressure relief time first decreases, and then increases as the thickness of the leak hole increases, and is the smallest when the leak is 200 mm in thickness. Keeping the total area of leak holes unchanged, the location and number of leak holes have little impact on the pressure relief time. When door and window leak holes have different thicknesses, changing the area ratio of the door and window leak holes increases the pressure relief time, by a maximum of 1.23 seconds.


Main Subjects

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