Propeller Slipstream Effects on the Aerodynamics Characteristics of a Transition Micro Air Vehicle

Document Type : Regular Article


Department of Aerospace Engineering, Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chrompet, Chennai-600 044, Tamil Nadu, India


This study investigates the influence of propeller slipstream on the aerodynamic characteristics of a Transition Micro Air Vehicle (TMAV). The TMAV under consideration comprises a cylindrical body, planar wing, and X-tails. Wind tunnel testing and numerical simulations were performed on TMAV configurations both with and without a propeller at various advance ratios (J = 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, and 0.75). The angle of attack ranged from -8° to +8° in increments of 4°, and from +8° to +16° in increments of 1°. The findings indicate that propeller slipstream significantly alters the flow field around the TMAV components, leading to a reduction in overall aerodynamic performance and stability. Specifically, the slipstream downwash decreased the lift and drag of the port wing and certain tails, while the slipstream upwash increased the lift and drag of the starboard wing and other tails, resulting in earlier stall occurrences under slipstream conditions. Furthermore, it was observed that aerodynamic performance improves as the propeller advance ratio decreases. The data obtained from this study elucidate the effects of propeller slipstream on the aerodynamic performance of wing and X-tail combined MAVs. Currently, there is a lack of literature addressing the effects of propeller slipstream on the aerodynamics of wing and X-tail combined MAV configurations. This study provides valuable insights into the aerodynamic behavior of this TMAV under the influence of propeller slipstream.


Main Subjects

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