Investigation of Compressor Surge Process and Flow Field Details Using Numerical Simulation

Document Type : Regular Article


School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710072, P. R. China


Surge phenomenon is investigated for an axial compressor through a set of experiments. In addition, the full-annulus numerical simulation method is used to numerically simulate the surge phenomenon and analyze the flow field details during the surge process. The results identified four distinct stages in the surge: forward deceleration, reverse flow, forward recovery, and chamber recovery. The forward recovery stage, the flow field experiences stall with the occurrence of unevenly distributed stall regions. In contrast, the chamber recovery stage at the same flow rate exhibits a more uniform flow field without stall regions. These findings highlight the capability of the capability of the full-annulus calculation method to provide insights into the flow field details during the surge process. The information can serve as a reference for the development of accurate surge models and the study of the influence of surge on the internal flow of the compressor passage.


Main Subjects

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