Improving Wind Turbine Power with Boundary Layer Suction

Document Type : Regular Article


1 Imam Hossein Comprehensive University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Energy Engineering, Azad Islamic University, Tehran, Iran

3 Niroo Research Institute, Tehran, Iran


Given the vast global capacity of wind turbines, even minor enhancements in their overall performance can substantially increase energy production. To achieve this, several techniques have been developed and implemented commercially to create advanced blades with improved efficiency. However, the fixed aerodynamic shape of these blades imposes certain constraints. This study conducts a numerical analysis of a 660 kW wind turbine, revealing that under specific operating conditions, the blades experience off-design conditions, leading to performance degradation. Simulations indicate that because the blades are designed for a single operating point, flow separation occurs on some sections of the blade surface in other situations. Further investigation demonstrates that the fixed geometry of the blades hinders the flow’s ability to adapt to their shape. To address this challenge, the method of boundary layer suction is proposed. Results indicate that by applying an appropriate level of suction intensity, the aerodynamic performance of the rotor can be enhanced by up to 8% under the specified working conditions by facilitating flow reattachment at the inboard section. 


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